Outfit: - #LANA // The Micro Bikini - Single Pack comes with 2 shades and in a Hud Change Straps & Hud separated.Fatpack comes all 15 colors in 2 different shades + 15 solid color + 15 exclusive print-Rigged For: Freya/Isis/Hourglass/Maitreya/Legacy - NEW Exclusive at FaMESHed x - #LANA // The Candice Heels - 2 Opacity Straps Texture,Sole,16 Colors,Base 16 Colors,Heels 16 Colors -Rigged for: Belleza/Maitreya/Slink/Legacy - NEW @ TresChic
FaMESHed x Event LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Milla/138/138/999 TresChic Event LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nika/169/139/21 LANA Mainstore LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LANA/128/128/22
Hair: taketomi - ZeroTwo - Bento
Accessories: - Fika - Honey Drop (Honey)- Three versions Honey,Milk Honey & Strawberry Honey- Includes the honey drops (unrigged mesh) the honey wand (mouth and hand) and genus applier for the face. NEW @ Oxxxcuro
Oxxxcuro LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serenity%20Grove/127/119/21 Fika Mainstore LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lorrey/247/2/21
Tattoo: HoneyLovin._MERCIER
Eyes: duckie . m o o d eyes
Skin: Go&See with chubby body applier