Outfit: +MB+ Realm Set - 10 Palette color huds to choose from - Each Palette Includes 3-4 textures(colors) - Rigged for: Alice/Legacy/Maitreya/Slink(both bodies)/Katena regular/Kemono reis/Solarian/eBody Curvy 8.6/Kemono/Freya
Muggleborn Mainstore LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Magik/216/161/23
Tatoo: -::Shinu Made::-Moon Glyph GACHA - 9 common forehead tatoos 1 Rare full body tatto - Omega & Legacy Appliers NEW @ Mainstore
Shinu Made Mainstore LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vallone/56/240/35
Hair: Opale . Kiku Hair- 16 textures included Resize & Fitted Hair Included.
.Opale. Mainstore LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/I%20AM%20HAPPY/112/142/22
Eyes: LOTUS. Ocean Eyes - Includes 8 Colors of eyes - Appliers for Catwa/Genus/Lelutka/Lotus mesh - NEW @ SpellBound
Spellbound Event LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Smiles/164/118/22
LOTUS Maisntore LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moonfight/98/146/25