Outfit: .PrettyDeceased. Alice Set Fatpack - The Alice Bustier and Skirt comes with hud to customize the bustier's harness, metals and ribbons, a hud for the skirt's chains and accessories and thong - 10 colors included with fatpack - Skirt hud includes options to turn on/off underskirt and chain accessories - 5 underskirt colors - 7 thong colors - 5 metal colors for the chains -Top hud includes options to turn on/off harness and ribbons - 10 harness and ribbon colors - 5 metals Rigged for: Legacy/Maitreya NEW @ BELLE Event
Belle Event LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Belle/141/105/993
.Pretty Deceased Mainstore LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Klima/143/208/1503
Hair: .EscalateD. Vayla -PRICES: 25% off ~ All Inc.Pack = 600L$ | Colorpacks = 188L$
ADDITIONAL INFO: 50L$ Special MiniHUDs available during Event -the Special MiniHUDs are exclusive and rare, they are NOT included in the regular All Inc.Pack. Special MiniHUDs for this Exclusive will be gone after this Event - NEW @ We <3 RP
We <3 RP LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/137/126/1503
Escalated Mainstore LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chrysanthemum%20Island/227/14/21
Pose: #Mewsery - Conjure [Bento] Pose Set - Includes 4 poses with mirror option
#Mewsery LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/JollyRoger/190/129/2285