Outfit: Moon Elixir x MUSE - Penthouse Princess - Lingerie - Onyx, Moon Elixir x MUSE - Secret Garden - Pasties
MUSE Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moon%20Elixir/214/220/403
Accessories: :[P]:- Lynuen Accessories: Lynuen Bindi, Lynuen moons [Held static Or animated] L & R Options,Lynuen Earrings & Lynuen Necklace [L & S option] - Huds included: 45 colors & 45 Fade Variant's & 28 Metals - Available @ Midnight Order - :[P]:- Lynuen Moonchair: Rez version & 2 versions of wearable animated chair (2 animations sets of 19 sits) & 45 colors & 45 Fade Variant's - Available @ Midnight Order
Midnight Order Event: January 20th – February 20th https://secondlifesyndicate.com/events/syndicate-events/midnight-order/
Midnight Order LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Syndicate/192/187/32
Poses: STUN - Pose Pack Collection Bento 'Debora' #138: includes 6 poses (shown using debora 1 on the right) ,STUN - Pose Pack Collection Bento 'Fay'#95: includes 6 poses (shown using pose 5 on left) - I used these poses not the built in sits for my photos
Tattoo: :[P]:- Miona Tattoo & Fade: Includes: Miona tattoo - florals overlay 40% & 80%, FLorals overlay greymatch & Violent violet Underlay for M & F - Available @ Midnight Order
Midnight Order Event: January 20th – February 20th https://secondlifesyndicate.com/events/syndicate-events/midnight-order/
Midnight Order LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Syndicate/192/187/32
Hair: [Yomi] Aura
Yomi Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Slytherin/134/133/2007
Below is a close up of the jewelry worn above